Sunday, November 24, 2013

Past Pics of More Fishing Trips

Below are some fish pics from various and sundry trips to the river over the past few years.

A fall 2009 trip to G's bend on the Middle Provo during a Blue Wing Olive hatch.

Two very nice 22" Cut's caught at Soldier Creek Reservoir in the Summer of 2010 off of massive crank baits.

Alyssa and Eric catching some Rainbows on the North Fork of the Duchesne River on Pioneer Day 2010.

Local fauna in the Middle Provo.

And last but not least, these are for Mortensen's viewing pleasure:  Carp fishing on the dam at Deer Creek in early July 2007.  We caught several 10lbs plus Carp and one carried away my rod and reel to the bottom of Deer Creek!

Strawberry Waves Forever

The Mortensen's and Gourley's went for a little spin in the FishMaster on Oct. 12, 2013 to Strawberry Reservoir, and we slew the fish!  Between the four of us we caught 13 Cutthroat.  All of them were around 16-19" but they were fun to catch. Nearly all were caught on crank baits running in the 8-15' depth.  We caught all of them in a bay directly across from the Strawberry Marina in water about 20' of water.  It was cold that day, but otherwise beautiful.  Below are some pictures from our day on the water:

A nice catch by Mortensen...

but here is his best catch, with her nice catch!

And my personal favorite, when Mortensen caught the rest of us while trolling and the massive snarl he had to undo...twice!

Here is a nice couples photo of Alyssa and me at the end of the day.

Here are some more pics from the fishing trip:

Here are a couple of catches from my pretty lady.  She was a little off track with the first one...

...but then she was spot on with this one, though perhaps, her grip was a little tight!

Finally, the best part of fishing...

...a timeless escape.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More from Henry's Fork July 4, 2012

I have not had a chance to post these pictures from last July's trip to Ashton Idaho and Henry's Fork.

I had to leave after the first day but I was able to take some good shots in between fishing and rowing the drift boat.

Erin's favorite part of the trip was the tubers that liked to get as close to him on the river as they could.

Eric did not mind the white fish at all, Erin on the other hand...

We were able to use Alan Gummow's fathers drift boat...

The dot in the middle of the river is Erin.

 Sunset at the take out...