Monday, October 27, 2014

Yellowstone 2014 - Great Fishing, Questionable Food Choices

In October of 2014 Aaron, Erin, Eric and Jason spent 2 1/2 days fishing five rivers in Yellowstone National Park. We based in West Yellowstone where the food was... gamey. I have uploaded a few of the many pictures I took. The pictures look a lot better than the fish I caught. Everyone else hauled in some large browns, rainbows, cutthroats and the occasional mountain whitefish.

October 9, 2014
The Madison

Erin prepares for combat fishing at Barnes Hole #1

Sun up at Barnes Hole

Aaron in The Madison

October 9, 2014
The Gibbon

No fish but still worth the drive!

October 9, 2014
The Firehole

This is the most beautiful stretch of river that I have seen. Big holes and small fish.

Erin with his "Squatchy" gate was first to the hole

Eric teaching me to fish the small deep holes

What a great day...

October 10
Slough Creek
(I swear I saw a bear!)

Long hike followed by a helicopter landing, I wish we were on it

Eric landing a nice cutthroat on a streamer with a weird name.

Cutty on Slough Creek

Aaron on Slough Creek

Eric practicing the art of Ninja Fly Fishing...

Erin and his new friend

Hiking out

October 10, 2014
The Lamar

Aaron on The Lamar
Eric in the boulders

On this cast Erin had a large fish take his fly... just about.

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